Zhao Haishan, Director of Municipal Science and Technology Commission, went to the company for investigation

Column:Company News Time:2013-05-06
In order to further promote the accelerated growth of science and technology "Little Giant" enterprises, on January 16, 2013, Zhao Haishan

In order to further promote the accelerated growth of science and technology "Little Giant" enterprises, on January 16, 2013, Zhao Haishan, Secretary of Tianjin Municipal Committee of Science and Technology and Director of Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Committee, visited the company for investigation, accompanied by the leaders of the Standing Committee of Dongli District Committee, Dai Dongqiang, Executive Vice-District Director, and the District Science and Technology Committee.

Director Zhao and his delegation listened to the company Leaders'introduction on enterprise development, technological innovation and development prospects, and went deep into the production site for field investigation. Director Zhao expressed his appreciation for the rapid development of Jingcheng Company, highly appraised the outstanding achievements of the enterprise in its own field, and the company leaders Huo Jinhai and Zhou Minliang accompanied the study.